Ingredients: lime essence oil, orange essence oil, pine tree essence oil, lemon citronella essence oil, bergamot essence oil, Jordan Dead Sea salt. 成份:青柠檬精油、香橙精油、松树精油、柠檬香茅油、佛手柑精油、约旦死海盐。
Study of Mandarin Orange Yellow, Mandarin Oil and Pectin Extraction from Mandarin Orange Peels 国际柑桔病毒学家组织从桔皮中提取柑桔黄、桔油、果胶的技术研究
Floral, leather, earth, red fruit, violets, herbs, orange oil. 花香,皮革,泥土,红色水果,紫罗兰,草药,橙子油。
Preparation of Heat-resistant Microencapsulated Sweet Orange Oil by Spray-drying 喷雾干燥法制备耐高温型微胶囊化甜橙油
Study on installation reform and technology for orange peel essence oil extraction with water vapor distillation 蒸馏法提取橙皮精油装置改革与工艺研究
Clinical Application of the Dissolution of Retained Bile Duct Stones with Emulsion of Orange Peel Oil and CDTA 桔皮油环己二胺四乙酸乳剂溶解胆管残留结石的临床应用
Release of microencapsulated sweet orange oil on different relative humidity condition 不同相对湿度下微胶囊化甜橙油释放的研究
Extraction Craft of Orange Peel Oil with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Fluid 超临界CO2流体萃取柑橘皮精油工艺的研究
At the same time, we deal in menthol crystals, dementholized mint oil, spearmint oil, lavender oil, menthe piperita oil and imported orange oil and citrus terpene and so on. 同时公司经营薄荷脑、薄荷素油、留兰香油、薰衣草油、椒样薄荷油等天然香料及进口甜橙油、甜橙油萜等产品。
The orange oil gently dissolves dead skin cells. 甜橙精油会温和地溶解死皮细胞。
17 cases of patients suffering from retained bile duct stones were treat-ed with emulsion of orange peel oil and CDTA. 采用桔皮油、环己二胺四乙酸乳剂治疗17例残留胆石患者。
In addition, their behavior studied by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC) and infrared ( IR) techniques revealed that complexation did occur between sweet orange oil and beta-cyclodextrin. 另外从产品的差示扫描量热法(DSC)和红外光谱(IR)的分析结果可以初步认定甜橙油与β-环糊精发生了相互作用形成了新的复合物。
Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Sweet Orange Oil by GC/ MS 甜橙油化学成分的GC-MS分析
Study on the microencapsulation of sweet orange oil 微胶囊技术生产固体甜橙精油的研究
Sweet orange peel oil was taken as experimental material of extraction condition. This paper systemically studied the influence of grind dree, temperature, pressure, static extraction and dynamic extraction on the extraction rate. The bases for batch process were provided. 采用甜橙皮作为实验材料,研究在超临界状态下,粉碎度、温度、压力、静态萃取与动态萃取对油脂萃取率的影响,为批量生产提供了依据。
The Component Analysis of Orange Peel Oil by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry 桔子皮油成分的色谱质谱联用分析
The chemical constituents of red orange oil were studied by use of GC/ MS/ DS in this paper, 49 constituents were identified. 本文通过GC/MS/DS检索,人工解析质谱与标准质谱对照的方法,从红橙皮油中分析鉴定了49个成分。
SBS thermoplastic elastomer, rosin, orange essential oil and many other raw materials are used for the synthesis of the adhesive used for food bag complex film. The technology and characteristics are introduced. 介绍一种以SBS(苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯)热塑性弹性体、松香、橙芳香精及多种原料合成的食品袋复合膜用粘合剂的工艺及其特点。
Analysis of the Main Components in Orange Peel Oil 桔皮油中与发泡聚苯乙烯塑料相溶组分的分析
Determination of Volatile Matter of orange oil by Capillary Gas Chromatography with Pre column Adsorption& The Study of Pre Concentration Mehtod 柱富集分离-毛细管色谱法测定柑桔油挥发物的研究
Changes of Compositions and Ultrastructure of Dissolved Pigment Gallstones with the Prescription of Orange Peel Oil 复方桔皮油乳剂溶石实验后色素类胆石成分和超微结构变化
GC-MS Study on the Essential Oil of Citrus Peel ⅱ. The Analysis on the Sweet Orange Oil 柑桔属果皮精油的GC-MS分析&Ⅱ.甜橙油的分析
Flavor Release of Microencapsulated Sweet Orange Oil on High Temperature 微胶囊化甜橙油在高温下的释放
Sensory Evaluation of Orange Oil Encapsulation by Fuzzy Mathematics Method 应用模糊数学评价微胶囊化桔油的感官品质
The Preparation and Sensory Evaluation by Fuzzy Mathematics of Microencapsulated Cold Press Orange Peel Oil 微胶囊化桔油的制备及其风味评定
The crude food materials, lemon oil and sweet orange oil were extracted by 60% alcohol according to the weight rate of 10:1. The extracts mixed with potassic salt to form the solutions which can be used as additives for tobacco. 用60%的酒精按重量比10:1萃取天然食品原料柠檬油或甜橙油中水溶性的香味物质,与钾盐一起配成溶液,作为卷烟添加剂使用到卷烟中;
Premix was formed with wall ( consisting of maltodextrin, Arabic gum, modified starch and maltose), core ( sweet orange oil), surfactant ( such as Tween 20) and a little amount of water. 预混料包括壁材(包括麦芽糊精、变性淀粉、阿拉伯胶和麦芽糖)、芯材(甜橙油)、小分子乳化剂(如Tween20)和少量水(起增塑作用)。